Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wonderful God

I watched an fantastic report on Good Morning American (not my normal morning news source so I believe it was divinely appointed) on grief. It was a women health conference or something, but it was some of the nation's most recognizable women discussing their grief dealing with recent passing of love ones. Patrick Swayses (hope that spelled right) wife who was dealing with the long term illness of her husband and how she felt that she had prepared herself for his pending death...she called it the "death-walk." She quickly realized that the reality of death can't be prepared for no matter how long the illness lingers. Then there was the Governor's wife from California Kennedy who's Mother and Uncle passed. Her words were "the lost of my mother brought me to my knees." What amazing subject "grief" is, so broad, vast and mysterious. As I maneuver my way through this mase of emotion, struggling with the up and down of grief. The tug-a-war of mind and heart. I believe the Lord is molding and shaping me to do greater ministry. Often we quickly forget those that are grieving...after the limo ride is over, the cards of thanks have been sent, words of comfort slowly end, the house is empty and the flowers fade. Other go back to their lives and you are left trying to understand whether or not it has been all a bad dream or reality.

God is the ultimate teacher and life the ultimate classroom. Today open your eyes to the great lessons our heavenly Father is and always teaching.

May God richly bless you today.

1 comment:

NightShiftNurse-occasionally said...

He is a Wonderful God....and He will see you through. You are in my prayers Daily. That's better than medicine!! :)