Thursday, October 15, 2009


The word “Intensify” is a verb. It means “to make intense or more intense” or “to make more acute; strengthen or sharpen.” Related words are “intense, intensification, intensified, and intensifying.” Synonyms are “deepen, quicken, concentrate or aggravate.” Antonyms are “alleviate or weaken.” A sentence using the word “intensified” would sound something like this: “The press has intensified its scrutiny of the of the candidate’s background.”

Well, I been trying to work through my thoughts for today and that’s the word that came to mind to describe what I’ve experience the last 48 hours. Everything and I MEAN EVERYTHING has been “intensified.” If I’m mad, I’m furious. If I’m sad, I’m just emotionless. If I’m irritated, I’m just out of control.” Bereavement is a noun and you remember we were taught that a noun was a person, place or thing. Bereavement for me has become both a place and a thing. A place because I woke up one day and I was there in the land of bereavement. A thing because you can’t seem to put your finger on it, one moment it pops up here and the next there. I’m struggling my way through each day with this gigantic load.

You remember the 1958 Sci-Fi movie called “The Blob?” It’s pretty ridiculous but as a kid it was terrifying. The plot was a meteorite falls in the country of a small town, bringing a mysterious creature that resembles a giant Blob of jelly. And the more The Blob engulfs the bigger this jelly creature grew. That’s how these last few days have been, the bereavement (pain, sorrow and hurt) has dominated or controlled all the other emotions and devourers or swallows up all the other emotions. And it is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. It’s taking all of my energy.

The good news is that the town’s people got together and figured out a way to destroy “The Blob!” THE END!
PS The song is just another illustration of the "The Blob"

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