Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One More Word

I can't remember a time when I couldn't put together a sentence but I found myself speechless. I was asked a question the other day that if I could talk to anyone in the world who would it be? It didn't take long for me to come up with the individual but it paralyzed me, I couldn't say it. I was speechless. What that person didn't know was I had wished and prayed secretly to have just one more moment, one more second, one more conversation, one more talk, one more hug, one more ride, one more trip, one more nod of approval, one more meal, one more smile, one more handshake, one more hello, one more phone call, one more knock at my door, one more word, just one more time to hear my name fall from his lips.

You know what's crazy? That I know that the reality is that death has once again invaded our ranks and take the soul of our deceased but I struggle with it. I still look for him when I pass his the shop, when I drive by his house, when I walk up to his house to turn the light on/off. My mind and my heart are waring. For several morning I would awaken hoping it was all a dream.

We never know when our last time will be so make sure you express your love and appreciation to those whom you love cause you don't know when it might be your last time.

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