Thursday, October 22, 2009


I'm closer to 50 than I would like to admit. I've seen things come and go, styles change, clothing industry change, automobile industry change, technology change, media change, transportation change and the world change. We've gone from black folk severing in the White House to a black family living there. I'm one that embraces change and am excited about innovative and cuting-edge things and ideas. I'm always looking to for the next invention that allows us to work smarter, faster and not harder but I'm a firm believer that there are somethings that should never change. Three words: "Confidentiality," "Loyalty" and "Allegiance," whatever happened to those word. I know you must be thinking that I must have crawled out from under a rock but that's what my mother and father taught us. And sure ought to be the goal of every true child of God.

I was raised to keep my mouth closed and if someone thinks enough of you to share any thing with you in confidence you should die with it. I don't understand why someone would just disregard the trust and confidence you placed in them. Heres what I know it take time for some one to build a level of confidence in you but it only take a moment to tear it down.

I was raised that your "WORD" was all you have. My daddy would always say "Son, let your yes be yes and your no be no!" It was years before I knew that was biblical. Mutual respect is how I see it. Now its about getting what you can at any and everybody cost even if you have to betray trust. Doing what you have to do to get what you want - turning kind, innocent and trusting people into "TRICKS."

I also grew up when people would use the term "he's a good man or she's a good woman." What that meant was you could count on them. Faithful, trustworthy and they were people of integrity. Just good people. We all know them and respect them and hold them with high-esteem. Allegiance is hard to find and sure in heck doesn't pay. People will use you up and after they're done throw you away like some useless item. Heartless, senseless and unnecessary.

Here what I learned thus far this week...

The greatest danger in leadership is to start looking at yourself and lose sight of the vision or goal.

A snake, is a snake, is a snake and its nature will always show itself sooner or late. So don't put a snake in your bosom.

You never know who's in bed with who (figuratively). So be careful what you say.

People want so badly to find fault in others that if "THEY" can find the truth "THEY" will make up a lie.

You can't love somebody and not hurt when they are hurt and angry when they are angry. Sensitivity is a action word, not just something you say.

You can't spell confidentiality without spelling confident.

Loyalty is a very rare commodity, beware of people who walk around with a jar of vaseline.

Allegiance doesn't only sets you up for the ultimate prize...guess what "no grease."

I know this sound very crude and rude but that's been my experience this week.

A few more days...

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