Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Commitment Church

I want to just share a word about “Commitment!” Consistency is the one thing that every believer can recommit to everyday. Consistency is also the one thing that is at the center of so many churches never making the impact on the world around it. Sunday as I made my way to the pulpit there it was again that nagging push to confront the commitment level of our church. It was one of those moments that few people enjoy but if we would be honest one that’s needs to ring throughout the pulpits of America.

I made some commitments to God early in my spiritual journey to the pastorate and one of them was that I wouldn’t ever be afraid to speak truth. If I was going to accept the responsibility of becoming the spiritual leader/father of a congregation, I was going to love them enough to tell them the truth. Often times I feel like John on the island of Patmos but for the most part I believe that at the end of the day most people appreciate the truth. My hope is that by speaking the truth that there will be those who hear the message, compute the consequences and make a life affecting commitment to Jesus Christ that moves them to another spiritual level (whether believer or non-believer).

One person wrote me shortly after coming to Greater Bethel from another church and said, “The difference in the two churches is that the other was a committed church and this is a committed church.” Recently I read in a leading Christian publication that today’s younger generation is looking for this characteristic in a potential church home. God has given me the courage to present a preaching/pasturing ministry that is real, relevant and often time raw. On the other hand, over the years the church has lose some members who either through adoption or birth who come in and/or find that the commitment level encouraged is more than they wanted to make. Let me quickly say no one in departing is ever honest enough to give it as the reason for their exit. So instead, they look around for something or someone to blame and/or criticize as they exit rather than being honest. Most would never admit that they hadn’t really put a decent amount of effort into attending on a regular basic, getting to know and be known by church family and/or developing an intimate relationship with Jesus.

My hope is that every member of the Greater Bethel Church would raise the level of their commitment whether through this 28 day fast, attendance, giving, serving, belonging or whatever area that the Holy Spirit places on your heart. I promise you that if you do…it will be the most important thing you’ve ever done in your life. God want to do something special in your life…

To final words for this e-mail…On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) how would you score yourself in two strategic areas of importance?

First from 1 to 10 rate your commitment to Christ as your Lord.

Next, on a scale of 1 to 10 rate your commitment to His local church.

Now prayerfully consider up-scaling your commitment. Commitment and consistency are two wings on the same bird.

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