Wednesday, September 30, 2009


In a few hours I’ll began this unwelcome journey. I know that sounds selfish but I just want to be right now. Today, has been a day I will remember for the rest of my life but would love to forget. Family and friends where in and out but I felt as lonely as I’ve ever felt. I will soon lay down another night without sleep coming. Again, tonight I drove up to dad’s house and turn the porch light on because I just can’t stand driving by and not seeing the light on. I know that he’s in a better place. Nobody knows that better than me. All of my life I prayed that he would open his heart to Jesus Christ and fall in love with him. I took him in church and baptized him. I was an I witness of the truth of God’s word that says “if any man be in Christ he is a new creature…” but I still hurt, still sad and still cry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor your father will be miss, but God needs him with him now. You can not say to much to comfort, words, gifts are whatever. To let go, I do understand what you are going through being that my father passed 15yrs in June and I remberber everything like if it just happen during the times and moments of losing my father. But you know we love you and family will always be there if you need me. Love Pastor G