Friday, September 11, 2009

This Trip is a TRIP

What happens when your trip has been a TRIP? Trouble, trails and temptation doesn't care whether you are home or away. We some time think that a change of location will make a difference. Sunday I couldn't wait to get away but monday I realized that no matter how far I was away that disappointment, discouragement and depression is no respector of distance.

Here's are some random thought on what hounds my every hour and weights heavy on my heart...

Why does it seem like love isn't enough?

Why isn't true friendship the order of the day?

Why can't people JUST be honest?

Why isn't hard work appreciated any more?

Why are people so unforgiven?

Why did it take 70 days for Michael Jackson and they still will not let him rest?

Why did Michael Vick (No. 7) have to spent 2year in prison to be released to enter but another prison...the unending negative voices of the media and public?

Why would someone walk into a church to brutally kill a pastor who has given her life to building the kingdom the God and help make the word a better place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post and pictures with the information about the National Baptist convention. I was unable to attend but your post help me see what was going on