Thursday, May 12, 2011

Random Thought Racing
1. Are skinny jeans made for only skinny ppl
2. Will skinny jeans made a heavier ppl seem skinner
3. Do REAL men really wear skinny jeans
4. (Being a large person myself) when did it become fashionable to wear too little clothing
5. Can skinny jeans tame a sista's dunk
6. Just cause a pare of skinny jean fit make sure your thong & crack is covered
7. Some skinny jean makes some women look like they are packing something in the front #gross
8. Why am I stuck on skinny jeans
9. If you can't wear skinny tops stay away from skinny bottoms (big booty my granddaughter Janell would say)
10. If your bottom can be mistaken for two basketballs, skip the skinny jeans rack


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