Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Finish Strong

"Finish Strong" is a phrase I picked up in high school sports some 30 some years ago. Being an athlete it was called upon when the game had come to the 4th quarter and victory was in sight. The coach would call a time out gather his player around him and like. General commanding his troops to go into battle the coach would call us to dig down deep and finish strong. Where are you digging? Glad you asked! It was those long evening of practice, coaching sessions, those extra sprints and drills. That at the time you didn't understand but the coach had the experience to know that during a long season his team will have to have some that the opponent did have and that is a pool of strength that the other team didn't not possess.

When days seem duary, nights seem long, valleys seem deep and mountains high...remember to "Finish Strong!" Our God has put in us enough to win. I'm praying that you finish this year out strong and ask that you will do the same for me.

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