Thursday, November 12, 2009

November Adoption Awareness Month

I attended last month the National One Church Meeting in Baltimore. One church One child is a national organization that seeks to connect families and children in and through the African American community.

Historically approximately 500,000 children in the US foster care system.

Approximately 229,000 of these children are waiting for a permanent home.

At any given time over 1/2 of these children are Africa American.

Over 20,000 age out of the system at 18 years of age without ever having a family of their own.

November is Adoption and foster care month pass it on. My personal interest is that of an adoptive parent. God has bless my family through adoption in two ways. 1. He's given me two awesome children. 2. Spiritually it helped me understand how WE as believer are adopted as sons and daughter by our heavenly Father.

Do you have room in your life to make a difference in a child's life?

This is Rev. Jamal Bryant and me at that meeting.

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