Saturday, August 08, 2009

Back Stage Pass Pt.2

Pastors Are People 2! What a strange thought? Obvious? Apparent? One would think so but somewhere along the way something has gone terribly wrong. As I shared in a previous blog I serve as president of the pastor’s conference in our consolidated district and this pass Tuesday I share part 1 of a series of sermon I’m currently presenting at the Greater Bethel Church “I Got The Hook-Up”. It is designed to be an encouraging message as we view the Old Testament names of God; in particular this message introduces God as Jehovah Nissi the God who defends. What was surprising was the response from pastor. As I made my way through this week pastor after pastor over and over again shared the pains, problems, predicaments, struggles, and challenges of the ministry. I was moved not because of their admission of how much the message encouraged and strengthened them but by the fact that I’m not in this things by myself. One of the first things that the Devil does is to isolate you and make you feel like you’re the only one. So many times throughout this building project and all the other nonsense that comes along with being in a battle that is “not against flesh and blood but against the powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil,” you feel beat down, run down and if you’re not careful low down [because of what people say…]. Many of these men along with me are men who take our ministry seriously. Let me say this I know that there are “jokers” in the pulpit but whatever you do there are “jokers” in your line of work and that doesn’t qualify us as all the same. So even though several black voices would have you along with America believe that there are NO God fearing, God called and God appointed pastors and preachers in our pulpits it is a lie.

Well, let start with the obvious…the pastor/preacher has to deal with the heaviness of the…
~Call & the responsibility of the ministry

~Preparation & the development of ministry

~Preaching & Teaching of God’s people

~Burden & vision of leading God’s people

~Obligations & expectations of both God’s people and the community around whether realistic or not

~Obstacles & difficulties that come along with trying to lead God people in His way rather than in their way

~Snares & traps of evil people who have their own agenda and who only desire is to destroy another black man

Now let’s just list a few obscure things that many will say yes…but…here we go. The pastor/preacher has to deal with the heaviness of…Love, Family, Finances, Feelings, Health, Rest/relaxation, Hobbies, Insecurities, Pressures...

I could be like the energizer bunny but I won’t…I’m sure you get my point. Pastors, I’m putting together a list that I’m calling “What I learned [getting my you know what kicked] while building,” but let me share just one people won’t care that you're human if your don’t demand that you are. Now let me quickly say, so that you won’t become defensive, this didn’t come from this generation, while I believe we have contributed greatly to it. But past generations of pastors/preachers have presented themselves as “Super-Pastor” who was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Say it with me “I human, I get tired, worn down, I bleed and I have feeling that sometime gets hurt!” Now didn’t feel good!!! For all my other readers…let’s talk, in any giving day or week things can change without notice, right? You’ve had bad weeks haven’t you? You ever felt like giving up? How about this one, You ever woke up on Sunday and said “I’m not feeling church today but I’m going anyway and if anyone even looks at me the wrong way I’m going off.” Well, now imagine that with 3 or 4 hundred member or even a thousand people who have come right on the verge of losing their minds, divorce paper in hand, children acting a fool, bill collectors harassing you or surgery or cancer issues sitting in front of you asking “IS THERE ANY WORD FROM THE LORD?” Not to mention the list of things I share with you earlier.

What can I do? You might be asking yourself. Well, just first make a point to acknowledge the humanity of you pastor [when people are cruel, nasty, vicious and malicious he hurts]. Second, when you hear foolishness about what he is or isn’t doing recognize that he only has 24 hours like the rest of humanity [he can only be at one place at one time]. Third, pray for him…spiritually, physically, relationally, emotionally and financially BECAUSE PASTORS ARE PEOPLE 2!

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