Over the last year I have been asked by the President of the Baptist Minister’s Assoication Dr. J. A. Reed Jr. [my childhood pastor] to lead a monthly inhouse training. Each month I share on what I think are some very important subjects. Over the next two or three months I’ll be teaching on vision. One of the challenges that leaders and pastors have is to cast the God-Giving Vision.
A lot of Pastors have great vision. But they never see their God given vision become a reality because they never learned how to communicate to their congregations. Many great God-given dreams die in the vision-casting stage.
If you’re a member of a church, a leader in your local church or even a Pastor this will be helpful in sharping your skills. Here are seven things that you need to know when sharing your vision.
Tell them WHO you are. What’s your church about? What makes your church different and unique? When you’re communicating vision to your church, you’ve got to help people see how your church is unique.
Tell them WHERE you are going. If you don’t know where you’re going, nobody else will, and nobody’s going to follow you. To communicate vision, you’ve got to communicate where you’re going.
Tell them WHY you are going there. People will have a hard time following you to where God wants you to go if they don’t understand the motivation behind it.
Tell them WHAT it feels like to be going there. You’ve got to let people know they’ll find significance by investing their time, talent and tresure in seeing God’s kingdom expand.
Tell them WHAT people can do. You’ve got to help them see that their individual ministry contributes to the progress of the whole.
Tell them HOW you’re going to do it. Share with your congregation how you’re going to move forward. It’s going to help the vision become more reachable in the minds of your congregation.
Tell them WHAT the rewards will be. Tell your church what the benefits will be for fulfilling the vision that God has for you. Jesus tells you, “well done good and faithful servant”? That’s the most important reward we’ll get from doing what God calls us to do.
I pray that God will bless you and enlarge your vision and you seek to do God’s Will! Enjoy the New Pictures. Continue to pray for the entire building process. Thank you.
Pastor Gaddis, man it is great to know that you are a blogger as well. In case you don't remember me, I am a son of Joe Carter's and I presided over his brother Henry's services when you were here. The new building is going to be the bomb. I can't wait to see it when it's done. God Be Praised!!!
Lance Mann
Praise God for what Dr. Reed is doing and using you to do it. I wish I could sit in on those classes but if you have the materials for it, I will gladly pay for the course. Bless you doc,
Keep running,
This was such a powerful word and an appropriate scripture. I am excited about what God is during through you and the people you lead. A wonderful example of great leadership and followership. Be encouraged. You all are making God proud.
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