Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Tuesday, July 1st - Keeping Your Purpose Alive

“Solomon, my son, get to know the God of your fathers. Worship and serve him with a clean heart and a willing mind, for the Lord sees every heart and understands and knows every thought. If you seek him, you will find him; but if you forsake him, he will permanently throw you aside.” 1 Chronicles 28:9 (Living)

What does a burned out light bulb, an empty toothpaste tube and a broken record have in common. They all out live their usefulness. People never outlive their usefulness! Now we all feel burned out, empty and even broken at times, but don’t let that fool you. You’ve got more to offer than a toothpaste tube! You cannot outlast your usefulness!!

One of the major causes of a lack of drive is a lack of purpose. Life seems empty when it is without purpose. Sometimes we run out of purpose long before we run out of energy. How can I renew the sense of purpose in my life? In 1 Chronicles 28 David shows us how to refresh our purpose when we come to a crossroads.

Involve your heart 1 Chronicles 28:9

Real purpose has to involve more that the merely routine - you have to have your heart in it! If the purpose is being imposed from outside it has the feel of pressure. If the purpose is welling up from inside it has the feel of real promise and enthusiasm. Some of you are caught in the Twilight Zone between wanting and willing. Give God a willing heart.

Inspect your plan 1 Chronicles 28:19

Ask yourself: are my plans big enough? Are they bigger than your comfort? David's plan for his life went beyond comfort in his life. I talk to a lot of people who's greatest plan is personal comfort. That's not big enough!! Are your plans bigger than your desires? Have you discovered the surprising fact that even if you got everything you desired, it wouldn't be big enough?

Invest your resources

When a purpose catches a hold of your heart and life you become willing to invest yourself in it! David invested his own resources! About 20 billion dollars in gold and silver - no small investment. It's one thing to use someone else’s resources, quite another thing to invest your own. Purpose has a personal price!

Family Discussion: What’s the biggest plan you feel God has for your life?


do-re-mi said...

I am greatly inspired and encouraged by the powerful messages in your ongoing sermonettes.

You seemed to be very dedicated to the cause of Christ and committed to the great commission. Be encouraged.

PastorGaddis' Blog said...

Thanks for you very encouraging word.