Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Thursday, July 3rd - What Does Real Servanthood Look Like?

“After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.” John 13:5 (NIV)

Today, I want to share one of the most fascinating passages of scriptures for me in all the Bible…John 13:5. There is a feeling in the thirteenth chapter of John that we are there for one of the most significant events in history.

What’s your picture of the atmosphere in the upper room where Jesus and his disciples met the night before Jesus died? Maybe it’s much like the one I had hushed tones and a holy glow. Now, let me shatter that vision with a hefty dose of reality in the Pastor G remix. We come in to excited noises. The disciples are expecting Jesus to make His move to take over soon and began to build His earthly kingdom, and they'll go with Him to the very top. They talk about what that will be like and what that will look like. You can just imagine them dreaming. Suddenly the volume increases. No longer excitement, but argument.

Which would be the greatest?! The argument really began when they walked into the room. No one took time to wash the other’s feet. With thoughts of greatness on their minds, they had no time for an activity usually assigned to slaves. The fact that greatness is measured with the yard stick of service had not yet registered with them.

There sits Jesus, hardly noticed as the others argue. I’m going to be the greatest. No, I’m going to be the greatest. The saga continues to mount as the voice get louder and louder. No one sees Him get up and walk to the other side of the room. A few notices as he takes off His robe and pours a basin of water. Stunned silence overtakes them all as Jesus comes to each disciple and begins to wash his feet.

Jesus washed their feet. [That shouts me every time!] God human flesh washed dirty feet. Scrubbing dusty toes - now that's love made practical! Real love is an action, not a feeling. Everything was ready for someone to serve: the pitcher was there, the wash basin was there, the linen cloth was there. It just took a person to take it up.

We hear Jesus say, “You should wash one another’s feet.” What does it mean to wash the feet of a disciple today? Ask yourself, why did Jesus wash the disciple’s feet? It wasn’t a religious ceremony, that’s for sure! He washed their feet because their feet were dirty!! How do you wash other’s feet? What does that mean? DO something that somebody else needs.

Family Discussion Question: Who in your own family needs their feet washed today? Who has a practical need that you could all be a part of meeting? What can you do today to make a difference in somebody’s life?

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