Sunday, April 17, 2011

Random Things about Pastor G

Here are 10 random things you should know about pastors?.these are true for me, but I suspect they may be for your pastor too:

The temptations you face?I face?

The larger the church gets?the less I know about anything?

I may not be the best person to ask?but I can point you to the right people?

The better the message?the longer is takes me to prepare it?

Even though I?m teaching it?I may not yet have mastered it?but I?m working on it?

I get nervous every time I start to preach?sometimes sick to my stomach nervous?

Sunday is not the only day I work?Honestly?

Your story probably doesn?t surprise me anymore?but I am never callous towards it?

To my family I?m not a pastor?just a husband and dad?

If you tell me something on Sunday morning?you probably should back it up with an email to remind me?

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