Friday, December 05, 2008

Today, Friday, December 5th

Today, I will be ministering the closing message in revival at my home church as they celebrate their 99th Homecoming Celebration. What a joy it has been to go home and share the word with many of the people who knew me when. Many who have made personal deposits into my life and ministry over these 44 years. I thank God for my childhood pastor Dr. J. A. Reed – he has continued to support, shape and push my ministry forward. I am share preaching responsibilities with Dr. Clarence Morton of Baltimore, MD, who is a full-time evangelist. Dr. Morton is a gifted, mature minister who I’ve learns much from over the past two years. He is very knowledgeable in cult and teaches with power and clarity each time he stands.

The Greater Bethel Church has just made me so proud and I know God smile by their support and attendance of the revival. What an amazing people God has given me the privilege to simple love and to care for…I love you Greater Bethel.

The new church is coming along well will be posting some new pictures soon!
I was presented with an award in honor of our former State Rep the honorable Kevin Cox base on his motto while in office "a workhorse not a showhorse" award. For outstand service to the community at a banquet hosted by the Metropolitan Better Living Center. Thank you to the board, director and staff for the honor.

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