Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Bithday Jesus

As we celebrate Jesus' Birthday, let me thank you so much for your support of the blog and your encouraging word. Christmas is such a special time for family, friends, fellowship, food and fantastic fun. Enjoy them all and be safe.

Didn't share my outline from this past weekend, but today seem like a great day.

Title "The Jesus Story"

Scripture Philippians 2: 5-11

Introduction to the life of Jesus...The Cradle

Body to the life of Jesus...The Cross

Conclusion to the life of Jesus...The Crown

Christmas is much bigger than a babe in Bethlehem. The cradle is useless without the cross and the cross is meaningless without the crown.

As I sit around with my children and grandchildren be certain that the story will be shared. Take advantage of this grand opportunity to began a tradition with deepen the meaning of Christmas with the Christmas story. It not just about a Son being conceived. It moves to a Savior being crucified. To ultimately a Sovereign being crowned.

Have a Very Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

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