Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Preacher's Struggle

Been working my behind off trying to get everything in before the holidays. Preparing Christmas message for this weekend. What a challenge each and ever holiday to trying to tell the same story from a different and unique and attractive angle. It's been interesting to talk to other Pastor and Preacher of the Gospel to see how God is leading them in their presentation. The Christmas story is still the second greatest story next to the Easter story but at the same time they really go hand-n-hand. Guess by now you've noticed my spiritual struggle or challenge. I'm done with my message but not feeling to comfortable with it. This happens more than I would like to admit. Two things happen with me when I'm writing or preparing 1. I get it [I understand clearly why He has me writing down that vein.] 2. I don't get it [this is when I'm struggling every step of the way, cause I just simply don't get it]. Here's the picture you ever been in WalMart and was amusingly entertained by the little kid who have been arrested by the toys and who mother is ready to go. The mother ends up dragging the child down the well polished tile kicking and streaming. Well that me sometime - I have to get it [not really but it feels much better when I do]. Pray for the message and messenger this weekend.

Young Zachary made it home from school safe for the holidays. The basketball schedule keeps him away, so its always good to have him home. Attached are two picture one of Zachary with two of the grandbabies. The other is embarrassingly a picture of the church but because they have worked so hard it's several week old. Promise to get updated ones soon. Keep the entire building process in your prayers as well.

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