Sunday, July 22, 2007

It is officially summertime!

It is officially summertime! Summer, Summer, Summertime, time to sit back and unwind – sorry lyrics from one of my favorite D.J. Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince (Will Smith) song. Sunday afternoons are great when we’re not scheduled to be in service. After working so hard to make sure everything is done with a spirit of excellence and after a week long of studying and cramming for the message. Praying that you’re able to deliver the in the fashion that it was received from the original author. Just wanting to do a good job in your exposition of the text and allow the Holy Spirit to do what He wants to do with the message. I try not to but it’s hard not to rehearse everything but most Sunday evening until movie time…I’m asking myself what could I’ve done better in my presentation of God’s Word. There are so many challenges that most member who sit in the pews will never know. First, the pastor is always the pastor but he has to separate himself enough to worship God in church [I’m praying that I can get better at that. Not allowing everything to hinder my worship.] Second, no matter how long you’ve been preaching there is always a sense of nerves. Early in ministry you’re nerves because of crowds and always the Word because of a lack of confidence. After you’ve been in the ministry a while the nerves don’t leave they just moves from worry about the crowd to worry about am in line with God’s Word and am I pleasing Him.

We’ll the “Sugababies” are here but I want to share one more thing. Last night I attended my 25th High School Class Reunion and I actually enjoyed myself. Janice and I attended it started out really uncomfortable because there is one thing I’m really not good at and that remembering people. If I’m forced to I will get it repetition but it had been 25 year and people were expecting me to know them and it just wasn’t happening. Now everyone that was apart of the Waltz Way family [all the kids that grew up and played together], it was easy to spot them. What I was really impressed with was that being a 98% white all through school I probably didn’t give them a chance to get to know me because of my preconceived ideas or my predisposition to think all white people was prejudiced. I’m not really sure what happened maybe we’ve all grew especially me. I had friends who would date some of the white girls but I never did. I was simple the athlete and I had few white male friends but I normally just stuck to my own. I was talking to a classmate of my name “Nancy” who said she never cherished any of the thinks from high school because the time was so bad for her. I really felt what she was sharing because has it not been for Janice I’m not really sure how things would have ended up. She has always been there for me and I owe here so, so much.

I know it’s a lot of rambling and when I do that I simple don’t post it. I spend more time fixing it but I’m too tired this evening. I’ve been working ever since I got hope and I’m about to spend sometime relaxing and loving on my some “Sugababbies!”

1 comment:

JRae. Liggins said...

Hello? Is anybody there? I wanted to comment of the Summertime blog.
So, not to be a total bore I just
wanted to say Sunday was once again one of the most significant days of my life and at40something, I'm really trying to address and mark these days. The Realness of God is simply UNDENIABLE! If we only knew how much God loved us! His word says it all, I never knew, until I let him love me.
I just want to encourage you, whisper 'Just don't stop' God changes lives, he's changing mine.
I remember how much I loved EW&F(Earth,Wind & Fire) I had all their albums, sang in the mirror until I cried and tried to catch them on t.v. as much as I could But when I found out they were in town! OH My GOODNESS!! To know I could probably have a chance to see them for real, hear them up close. My worldly life has NEVER measured up to the life I now live in Jesus. Someone whose love has amazed the beloved. His love is up close, personal, confident.
Good,bad,ugly, hell, highwater, both! God is Real! I look for him everywhere.To know I have the opportunity to know Jesus the Christ!!To know He loves me!
When I've shamed myself so bad I can't even look in the mirror, God's word reminds me so greatly of what He can do for those who love Him and I can't pass that up.

I heard that Sunday in the
message. So, thank you, nerves, challenges and all His word was delivered, it's healing time.