Monday, November 07, 2011

Day 13 of 40Days of Faith

Today is day 13 of 40Days of Faith (read Ezra 3) What an amazing story that STILL speaks loudly to the present day church. They had finally after much difficulty erected the foundation. They had persevered, kept on, and went through. However, even though they had accomplished what many, no doubt said, could not be done, and their moment of satisfaction had come, still not everyone was as thrilled as they ought to have been.

The older folks that had seen the first temple, Solomon's Temple, and who remember all of the Size, and Splendor that it had, were saddened because this one wasn't like this one. Instead of praising Him for what he had allowed them to do, they were saddened because it didn't resemble Solomon's Temple.

How characteristic of our churches today! Let me quickly say, there's nothing wrong with remembering how it used to be, however, God is a God of RIGHT NOW! One writer has so aptly put, "God is not a Duplicator, He's an Originator!!" God is doing a new thing & wants to do something brand new in your life starting today.

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