Sunday, April 20, 2008

Number 3's Birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday Saniyah Raye! After a very busy week of ministering (five sermon scheduled and I made four of the five.)

Interdenominational Ministers Association Thursday noon

Holdenville Prison Thursday evening (very exciting time ministering to the brothas. Looking forward to a return trip.)

Greater Bethel Sunday this morning. Wrapped up series on Ephesians 6 "The Devil is defeated, Already."

New Dimension Ministries this afternoon. It was their annual ushers day. This was the first time I had the privilege to minister there and to met Bishop and Pastor House. Wonderful couple with an awesome vision.

Along with attending the National Baptist Pastor"s Alternative Training in Tulsa OK. After several hour of intense study...I am now certifiable to instruct in any district, State or National Congress of Christian Education.

I made it back just in time for the grandbaby's birthday which has been the highlight of my week.

I am proud to announce that our Church Bond program kick-off will be the first Sunday of May.

Better get back to Sunday dinner and give the family my undivided attention.

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