Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Announcement From The Staff of GBBC

We Will Continue Celebrating The 25th Year Anniversary Of Ministry Of Pastor G This Wednesday, April 30th at 7pm. Our guest church will be our friends from the Holy United Baptist Church and Pastor Ricky Patton will bring the message. Let your presence speak volumes to Pastor Wednesday evening and be here.

5 days until our Building Project Announcement. Pastor is asking that every member be in attendance to share in this historical announcement as God positions us for our corporate purpose. We will have an abbreviated service Sunday. We will start at 10:45am but will get to the preaching much earlier so that we will have plenty of time to make our announcement and not keep you any longer than customary. If you haven’t seen our construction boards, color board or interior design boards, all will be on display as well as a question and answer period.

Please call, text and email every member you know personally and ensure they are present Wednesday evening as well as Sunday morning. There will also be a reception for Pastor G at the Langston University OKC campus Saturday at 4pm. What an awesome time to be apart of the Kingdom of God and be connected to the Greater Bethel Church “where we do church beyond the box!”

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon Expo Just hanging out to day, not too many Sundays that I'm no ministering. Downtown helping my brother Br

Friday, April 25, 2008

78th L K Williams Ministers Institute

I'm attending the 78th L K Williams Ministers Institute hosted by the Antioch Fellowship Dr.Karry Wesley, Senior Pastor. The Antioch Church has an awesome building, staff and technology. This is not the first time I've come in contact with is ministry. The first lady attended a women's conference here during the fall of 2007.

The institute has an list of gifted preachers and teachers:...
Dr. LK Curry Chicago IL
Dr. Denny Davis Grand Prairie TX
My friend Dr. HB Charles Los Angeles CA
Dr. Leroy Armstrong Cedar Hill TX
Dr. Al B Sutton Birmingham AL
Dr. A Louis Patterson Houston TX

The theme this year is "A Legacy of Ministry for an ever-changing World" taken from 2 Corinthians 4:5-7.
This has been a very enlighten week. I've been inspired and informed. I have really enjoyed my time away. It normally take several day in order to detoix myself from my overly excessive work habits. I realize that if I'm going to make it throughout the building program and ministry I have to learn how o withdraw.
A few days ago during a lecture that I was doing to a room full of leaders/Pastor. I had one of those moments where as I was preaching to them the Holy Spirit was talking to me. Many, many itemize (more than I would want to admit I was guilty and confession is good for the soul). I was teaching from the life of Jesus and was sharing that He knew when enough was enough speaking in reference to getting rest and taking time off. And if you're reading those blog you know I have some very deep issues with this particular area of my life. So I made a decision and commitment to make that a part of my life. Be in prayer for me in this area of my life.

Also my mom is still in the hospital

This weekend will be the start of a celebration of my 25 years in ministry. Our church will be blessed by some of Oklahoma City's most gifted young guns. Pastor Kelly R. Booker, Pastor Ricky Patton, Pastor Vance Roland and Pastor Jeffrey L. Mitchell.

Our bond program gets kick-off May 4th for Two Million Dollars. What an exciting time to be in the Kingdom of God. When a church that is no very old can purchase a city landmark of over 25 acres and build a place and a home for the Spirit of God to dwell. Every time I think about it, it literally takes my breath away. This is such a God thing, that He is going to have to do this.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Number 3's Birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday Saniyah Raye! After a very busy week of ministering (five sermon scheduled and I made four of the five.)

Interdenominational Ministers Association Thursday noon

Holdenville Prison Thursday evening (very exciting time ministering to the brothas. Looking forward to a return trip.)

Greater Bethel Sunday this morning. Wrapped up series on Ephesians 6 "The Devil is defeated, Already."

New Dimension Ministries this afternoon. It was their annual ushers day. This was the first time I had the privilege to minister there and to met Bishop and Pastor House. Wonderful couple with an awesome vision.

Along with attending the National Baptist Pastor"s Alternative Training in Tulsa OK. After several hour of intense study...I am now certifiable to instruct in any district, State or National Congress of Christian Education.

I made it back just in time for the grandbaby's birthday which has been the highlight of my week.

I am proud to announce that our Church Bond program kick-off will be the first Sunday of May.

Better get back to Sunday dinner and give the family my undivided attention.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dear church family

I have loved having conversations with so many people regarding the teaching and preaching. I've been thrilled to hear that people are making decisions to change their life in such a positive way. Personally, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to teach a group of people who want to be different. It really is thrilling to be part of Bethel Church!
I look forward to seeing you this weekend for part 2 of our series. I'm excited to continue in our discussion of the spiritual weapons we have at our displosal in the war. I hope you'll be there!
Also, I hope you're planning to invite a friend to join us!
See you this weekend!
Pastor G

101 Belonging @3pm Saturday
No Girlfriends

Saturday, April 05, 2008

I'm Back!!!

I've been moving too much since Easter. Attending and participating in the 64th Simultaneous Revival. Most of all just trying to catch up, seems like once you get behind its impossible to get caught up.

There is much I could say about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Marking the 40th remembrance of his assassination. His words where and still are some of the most powerful uttered.

The following are simply Random thoughts...

When someone says that my friend...do they mean friend or Friend

When you walk in purpose you collided with destiny.

Love is not what you receive but what you give.

You can be dumb by yourself there is no need to join stupid

I am because we are

Its not what you say but how you say it and how you express yourself

Laugh more

Health and wellness is not about size
I'm Back!!! I've been moving too much since Easter. Attending and participating in the 64th Simultaneous Revival. Most of all just trying