Rollocoastor Oh, Yeah! That's how the last few month have been for me personally. The highs and the low keep coming but its the rush between the two that causes me the most devastation.
With the passing of some close friends Gloria & Frank Kelley and Gerald Fisher two in the last week. My mother is working on her third week in the hospital. The pressures of just trying to be a godly husband, father pastor and leader. And a whole lot of other things that I will not take up space to even mention.
This has not only been a season of lows but because God is good all the time and all the time God is good we've experience some of the highest of high. We celebrated a milestone with our 21st wedding anniversary. Our youngest son received a scholarship and is on his way to Kansas. We took the sugarbabies to Sea World. BethelKIDZ was very successful. We unveiled the exterior and interior of our new church. The church is growing, I sense something in the resistance of certain people who I know aren't with us and it pushes me to believe that God is about to so something special. I believe in God no matter what.
My prayer is that I may continue to mature in my relationship with God through Jesus to go through the miserable middles of life as handled the rollocoastors of life.
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