Thursday, June 09, 2011

Random Thoughts

  1. · Will change-lives ever be a shouting & a giving point in the church?
  2. · What would Dr. Martin Luther King say about racism in America?
  3. · What was Scottie Pippin on when he said Michael Jordan was the greatest ever?
  4. · Why are there still hungry people in America one of the wealthy nations in the world?
  5. · Why isn’t the church the most accepting, approving, asserting place on the planet?
  6. · Why does the church say they want to win the lost to Christ but when the lost show up they aren’t welcomed?
  7. · Why ask members to be obedient and bring their tithe and give offering if the church is only going to watch the bank balance up and won’t use it to expand the mission and ministry of the church?
  8. · Why are God’s people who say they have been changed won’t accept church in church?
  9. · Why is it that when a church want to be innovative and cutting edge that its worldly but when people bring technology into their homes and job it necessary?
  10. · Why do we complain the state of our children and student but we don’t invest time, talent nor treasure to change them?
  11. · Why do we always talk about the power of prayer but prayer meeting the weakest service all week?
  12. · Why is church diversity only when black attend white churches not the other way around?
  13. · Will Americans ever give President Obama the respect due the office of President and get behind him? If we can fall President Bush for 8years we surely ought to be able to follow a very intelligent President Barack Obama?
  14. · Will the church ever stop being a place of performance and become a place of power, purpose and preaching?

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