Thursday, June 02, 2011


All of us remember the craze WWJD “What Would Jesus Do”? I want to put a Gaddis twist to it and call this one HDJF “How Did Jesus Feel”? I believe that one only guesses as to what WWJD if you haven’t investigated HDJF? Have you ever pondered that? I know that we see Jesus as He is as the conquering King but we first must see him as the Suffering Savior. I know we see Him as the Great I Am but we first must see Him as Mary’s little baby. He was all God but Jesus was all Man at the same time. Pastor C. C. Cooper (whom I’ve been thinking about a lot lately) says it as only he could, “Jesus was just as much God as He was man and just as much Man has He was God”.

Some here’s a few question: How did Jesus feel when…

He received NO respect in his own hood?

He was lead to start a ministry with out a church?

He chooses Judas as His betrayer?

The religious leader rejected Him?

Nobody but Peter could answer, “Who do you say I am?”

His disciples slept rather than prayed?

He heard the rooster crowed right after Peter’s denial?

He was lied on, spit on, and beat & made fun of?

He was being falsely accused?

He was being beating to an inch of His life; they put a cross on his shoulders and commanded Him to carry it?

He heard the insults from the very ones He would soon die for?

The weight of the cross causes His knees to buckle?

They nailed His hand that only did good and nailed His feet that only ran errands of mercy?

They lifted the cross and the weight of His body fell on the nails?

The crowd and the thief began to mock him?

He saw the tears in His mother’s eyes.

He saw God turn His back?

His disciple deserted Him?

His disciples didn’t believe Him?

How does He feel about the church of today that He died for, sacrificed for and paid the price for?

How would we every know WWJD if we’ve never asked ourselves HDJF?

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