Sunday, April 03, 2011

Seven Things My Daddy Taught Me

I miss my daddy alot these days. Daddy was a gift to me and my brother. He was sometime difficult to understand. He didn't share alot of his feelings and emotions. He didn't express himself too much with words, but when daddy spoke he was always teaching. So I wanted to share a few things my daddy taught me that I hope and pray that I can teach my sons and grandsons. Seven things my daddy invested in me, taught me an shared with me...

  1. There are some things in life you will never understand.

  2. The lust for a woman can destroy your life.

  3. You need other men in your life. I can only take you so far. Always surround yourself with men you aspire to be like and let them invest in you.

  4. You need to invest in other men; especially those younger than you.

  5. Be willing to risk everything to follow God's call on your life now; while you are young. (Then never get too old for this principle.)

  6. Always be a dreamer. It keeps you young; plus your dreams for your life will never be bigger than God's vision for your life.

  7. The greatest things in life money can't buy.

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