Monday, April 25, 2011

Random Thoughts for this Monday after Easter

Monday Morning Arm Chair Quarterback Thoughts Random Thought From Some of the Greatest Minds & a few Pastor G's oneliners

(1) People feed pigeons but they shoot at eagles! If your haters are shooting at you, they know your an eagle!

(2) "We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated." - Maya Angelou

(3) "The best way to FIND yourself is to LOSE yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

(4) Thanking God 4 some things I wanted 2 happen that didn't happen that opened my eyes 2 something better that happened!

(5) Quitting is more about WHO you are than WHERE you are.

(6) "Today I will do what others WON'T, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others CAN'T." - Jerry Rice

(7) "When the water starts boiling, it is foolish to turn off the heat." - Nelson Mandela

(8) If you keep doing the same'll get the same results!

(9)When the pain of where you are is greater than your fear of the unknown, you will move!

(10) In the sport of basketball when there's a full court press, the pressure is on the 1 w/ the ball. If your under pressure, you must have the ball!

4 things I learned after our Easter Celebration

(a)evaluation is tough but NOTHING cause you too grow more than anything else:

(b)Innovation leads to frustration that leads to great organization.

(c) If people would stay in their would be fewer accidents!

(d) If you keep doing the same'll get the same results!)

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