Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ten Things My GrandChildren Will Never Know

Hello family,

It's been a while since my last post. School has begun again and the requirements of a new semester are great. I will soon balance my new schedule and return to my weekly blogging. I was surfing the net and ran across a article on 10 things our kids won't know. I thought it was a informative like had thing on he lst like mailing a letter, writting monthly bills out with checks, long distant bills, not have the internet at their finger tips, buying a set of encyclopedias or a typing class. So I thought it would be fun to put my own twist on it and creat my own list.

Ten things my grandchildren will never experience or know...

1. A piece a candy for a penny
2. A drive-in movie & hook that speaker on the window
3. A rotary house phone connected to the wall by a cord
4. A record or a 8 track tape player
5. A book of food stamps
6. A outhouse
7. A black & white television with just 4, 5, 9, & 13 channels only
8. A can of potted meat, peanut butter or powered milk
9. Bunk-beds with a third bed
10. Five hamburgers for a $1

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