Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday, August 29th - How To Say "Thank You"

“I will never worship anyone but you! For how can I thank you enough for all you have done? I will surely fulfill my promises. For my deliverance comes from the Lord alone.” Jonah 2:9 (Living)

“Thank you!” Those two words are incredibly significant and deeply spiritual. One of the greatest skills we can develop in life is the skill of saying thank you. Thursday, August 28th will forever be a special day for me and hopefully for you as well, as we witness Senator Barack Obama accept the nomination from the Democratic Party. Destiny would have it that this historical event happened 45 years to the day Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have A Dream” speech at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Dr. King’s moving address still echoes today. What a significant day for America and Americans of every color under the sun. I could not help but think of the nameless and faceless persons that sacrificed to make this day possible. From the most famous and noted individuals to those whom names we will never know. We owe a great deal of Thanks. So, who do we say thanks? I Believe We Say Thanks By…

Being Responsible! Let’s not be careless with what has been passed down to us. We are privileged to find shade under trees we did not planet. Many of the things that we have come to take for granted came at a tremendous cost. Don’t be guilty of taking advantage of the dream and not contributing to the dream.

Being Real! Let’s help our white brothers and sisters understand that this is only a down payment on the dream this is not the dream fully realized. Now is the most important time for us to educate about the struggles of African American in this country (the incarceration rate, educational gap, discrimination in housing and that perpetual glass ceiling that hold so many of people of color back.) Even after November 4th when white America catches a cold, black America catches pneumonia.

Be Respectful! Vote and encourage others to Vote. The right to vote came at a great cost – it is shameful for any American not educate themselves and participate in our democratic process. In the voting booth everyone is equal, that’s what makes this country so great. Inside that booth it doesn’t matter how old or how young you are…how much money you have or how little money you have…whether you have a PHD or a GED. Your Vote Matters!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday, August 26th - The Ingredients Of Thankfulness

“I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Corinthians 1:4 (NIV)

Understanding the right ingredients is all important! Heloise wrote in her “hints” column that that best way to cook a moist turkey was to, “Put a cup of water in the cavity of the turkey, cover with tin foil and bake.” A reader wrote back to complain. “The turkey came out fine, but the plastic cup in the turkey melted!” Imagining that person trying to squeeze that cup into that turkey reminds us that directions must be specific! What are God’s specific directions for developing a thankful heart? What are the ingredients that result in thanksgiving? Here’s your “Thanksgiving recipe.”

Recognize God’s grace! When was the last time you sent your boss a thank you note for that month’s check? Of course you don’t... you don’t thank someone for what you earned. That’s why recognition of God’s grace is such an important ingredient of thankfulness. When we recognize that all we have is a gift from Him it makes us into thankful people.

Understand God’s righteousness! “Righteousness” means that God ALWAYS does what is right. Are you beginning to understanding of how righteousness ties in with thanksgiving? Sometimes life doesn’t feel like a gift. Sometime life doesn’t look like a gift. Thankfulness, results from the knowledge that God is righteous. When life seems to have been unfair, when it seems to have cheated you, remember that God is righteous. His purpose will reign in the end.

Thank God with other people! Of course you can and should give thanks all alone. But the truth is: if you don’t have a place to give thanks with others you’ll soon stop giving thanks at all. You need to hear others give thanks. You need to share what God’s doing in your life with others. Thankfulness is grows best in bunches.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The 50th Anniversary and The Power of Following Leadership

Today marks the 50th Anniversary of Katz Drug Store Sit-ins. On August 19, 1958, Clara Luper led 3 adults chaperons and 14 young people serving on the NAACP youth council walk up to a segregated lunch counter in downtown Okalahoma City to order some soft drinks. The store’s refusal to serve the group drinks launched years of peaceful sit-ins at eating establishments across the city and nation. One of the 14 shared this sentiment, “We didn’t know really the impact of what we were doing. We simply were following the leadership of our workers.” What an awesome thought: the power and impact of obedient children. This small group of people changed the course of America simply by following leadership.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Friday, August 15th - Raising Your Worship To New Heights

“So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.” Romans 12:1 (Msg)

A. W. Tozer put it well: “The presence of God in our midst, bringing a sense of Godly fear and holy reverence, is largely missing in the church today. Thus, much of what we call worship, God does not.”

The worship of God is a theme that dominates the entire Bible. In Genesis, man fell because he failed to worship God; and, in Revelation, one day, all of history will culminate in the worship of God as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The Bible teaches us an amazing truth in regards to worship. God, who does not need anything, or anyone, desires the adoration and worship of His created children. God did not create us because He was lonely; rather, He created us so that He might have our Lord-SHIP, our Fellow-SHIP, our Steward-SHIP, and our Worth-SHIP.

One of the greatest definitions of worship I have ever heard, or read, was given by Ronnie Floyd in his book, “Life on Fire.” He said: “Worship is an encounter with Christ that results in a lifestyle change!”

There are two questions that beg to be answered, right here!

One – How does one worship God
Two – How can I assure that I get the most out of my time of worship

Let me take the back door approach and tell you what worship is not.

* Worship is bigger than a musical performance
* Worship is bigger than my preference
* Worship is bigger than my place of worship

So how do we worship God?

* By loving Him
* By trusting Him
* By obeying Him
* By thanking Him
* By serving Him

By now somebody wants to get more out of their worship experience. Now this is not going to be real deep but I believe that some of the most helpful stuff is just common sense. How this blesses you as much as it blessed me writing it. Pastor, how can I assure that I get the most out of my time of worship?

On Saturday:
1. Ask Christ to make you sensitive tomorrow to the needs of people in the body who are hurting.
2. Solve the “Sunday clothes hassle” make sure that what you will wear is ready and God honoring.
3. Spent time in confession so all will be right between you and the Lord when you meet tomorrow.
4. Determine to get to bed early so I will be refreshed and ready for church tomorrow.
5. Eliminate and guard your heart from Sunday afternoon distraction that will cause you to not to be able to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to minister to you.

On Sunday:
1. Get up in plenty of time so you will not feel rushed.
2. Program your morning so you will not just arrive at church on time, but get there early.
3. Eat a good breakfast, so that the enemy can’t use an empty stomach to detract your worship.
4. Bring your Bible, pen and church notebook in order to get the most out of your time of worship.
5. Come to church with a great sense of expectancy because you know Christ will be there.
6. Hang around and fellowship with God’s people…IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU!

On Sunday everyone needs to get up on time, eat at a set hour, and leave plenty early, ideally after a short time of family prayer asking that God will be glorified and speak to each family member. If you do this, YOUR SUNDAY WORSHIP WILL ASCEND TO NEW HEIGHTS.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday, August 10th It's ALL About You, Jesus

Today is my birthday and I am so thankful to God. What a gift life is! I spent the first hour of my day in worship. Before the first birthday wish I wanted my heavenly Father to know how grateful I am and how I intend to spend the rest of the days He allows me to live. The older I get the more I realize that not a day since I got here was promised to me. As I look over my life He has simply been good.

Today I'm thanking God that...

#1 I'm Saved!!! I've ask Jesus to come live in my heart

#2 Both my Mother and Father are still here to celebrate my birthday with me

#3 All of my brothers are still here [my sister is already with the Lord.]

#4 My wife and I just celebrate 22year of marriage

#5 My children are healthy and well

#6 My grandchildren have been a blessing and I’m blessed to spend time with each and every day

#7 I’m blessed to be the pastor a incredible church

#8 I have some friends who I wouldn't trade for the world

#9 Not to mention in a few hours I’ll get a chance to do what I was born to do [preach and teach]

#10 And finally the Journey has been worth it

When I look back over my life – today is not about me but today is ALL about JESUS!

When the music fades And all is stripped away And I simply come Longing just to bring Something that's of worth That will bless your heart I'll bring You more than a song For a song in itself Is not what You have required You search much deeper within Through the ways things appear You're looking into my heart I'm coming back to the heart of worship And it's all about You All about You, Jesus I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it When it's all about You It's all about You Jesus King of endless worth No one could express How much You deserve Though I'm weak and poor All I have is Yours Every single breath I'll bring You more than just a song For a song in itself Is not what You have required You search much deeper within Through the way things appear You're looking into my heart I'm coming back to the heart of worship And it's all about You All about You, Jesus I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it When it's all about You It's all about You Jesus Its all about you Jesus

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Thursday, August 7th - The Strange Mixture Of Sacrifice and Joy

“Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.” Psalm 126:5-6 (NIV)

Imagine being in a third world country watching as a tribe of people literally get down to their very last. A drought has hit the tribe and they are deviated and their supply of corn has been stretched to the limit. As you stand at the run-down mud refuge you see a father take one of the last bags of dried corn out of his families store room. This corn could have been pounded into meal to make the cakes that was the staple of the family’s diet. But, instead, he by passes the table and take the corn to the field where he sowed the seed into the ground. As you look into the father’s eyes tears begin to form and fall making streaks through the dust and the dirt on his cheeks. What has caused this father to be moved to tears? IT HURTS!!! It hurt to put into the ground what might be his family’s last meal. Yet he knew that without sowing that seed his family would certainly starve the next year. So he sowed with tears knowing that he would one day reap with joy.

I know I took the long way on this one but what’s the lesson? That we should give away our last meal? Surely not! The lesson is this.... it’s not always easy to “Generate Generosity!” When we talk about “Giving Cheerfully” it can sound as if giving is always an easy thing to do. That simply is not true. For those who give there is often the strange mixture of sacrifice and joy. You know that you’re doing what is right and yet it is often hard to let go. That’s true when we give our time, our treasure [money], our talents or ourselves.

But the truth is... there is an inevitable law of sowing and reaping at work. It’s a natural law. It’s a spiritual law. Those Who Sow In Tears WILL Reap With Joy. The result of our sacrificing to meet other’s needs is not just a feeling of satisfaction, well being or “having done the right thing.” It is JOY! What is joy? It is an overflowing sense of God’s perspective on life, an overwhelming experience of God’s presence in life and an overarching knowledge of God’s security for life.

Family discussion question: Can you remember a time when it was difficult for you to give something? (Everybody in the family can answer this, even preschoolers can think of an answer to this question!)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Monday, August 4th - Sacrifice To Live

“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12:24 (NIV)

I stumbled upon this text the other day and began to have a conversation with this stalk of wheat. Imagine a grain of wheat talking to itself, admiring itself, noticing how round and brown and fully packed it is. Imagine the conversation that the wheat would have about the impending fate of falling into the cold, dark ground. The grain of wheat might say, “I’m feeling a little uncomfortable with this idea of falling. I’m cool just like I am. I’m happy, fluffy and full. Falling to the ground would be a waste of my life.”

Jesus is not talking about wheat in this verse. He is talking to us! He’s reminding us that a sacrifice given out of a loving heart for Him always results in new life for ourselves and for others. Yet most of us have felt like our mythical grain of wheat. Sacrifice is a great idea… for other people or for some other time.

We all want to do something great with our lives. We think, “I’ll finish those goals and then I’ll have time to make the sacrifices.” Jesus says to us, “Sacrifice comes first!” Jesus led the way for us. He sacrificed His life, literally, so that we could be forgiven. The most significant sacrifice in history brought about the most significant impact upon history.

This sacrifice is not a simplistic “no pain, no gain” philosophy. We’re not talking about working hard. (Although there’s nothing wrong with hard work.) Nor is this an invitation to a “martyr complex” faith [I’m getting therapy for this - tough one for those who grew up in the "old church"]. We’re talking about True Sacrifice is giving up that which is most important to you. Jesus could not have been clearer. Losing your life comes before finding your life.

And find it you will! Someone once said to a group of missionaries serving in a remote area “you have certainly buried yourselves here.” The missionary replied, “We were not buried here, we were planted here.”

Family Discussion Question: How do we get past the “I’m not sure I really want to do this” feeling that goes along with all genuine sacrifices?

Friday, August 01, 2008

Friday, August 1st - Get Off Your Ass ("donkey" - it's in the Bible)

“He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27 (NIV)

(Read the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-36)

Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan is a parable about the service that springs from love. The story is so simple that we often miss its incredible applications for our everyday lives. It is the story of three different types of people that represent three different responses to needs.

1. Those who create needs.
The robbers in this story created the needs that the Samaritan would eventually meet. How did they become such takers rather than givers? Their actions were the result of a single attitude: “My needs are more important than your needs.” Let me say it so you don’t miss it in a word, they were selfish. Self-centeredness creates an avalanche of needs... it always has and always will. That’s why the Lord so clearly says to us through Paul “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4 (NIV)

2. Those who ignore needs.
The Levite and priest just “passed by.” It was easier to pretend the need didn’t exist, although it meant that the man would probably die. Ignoring needs is so easy. This is where the majority of us struggle. Why do we ignore others needs rather than meeting the need?

§ Fear: “We’re afraid we might get hurt”
§ Judgment: “We have judgmental attitudes”
§ Busyness: “We’re too busy with life's details” (Ouch!)
§ False purity: “We’re afraid of how their problems might affect us”

3. Those who meet needs.
The most striking thing about the Samaritan was that he made the choice to meet another person’s need. That meant personal sacrifice. His sacrifice was built upon his compassion. His compassion overcame fear and apathy. His compassion made him willing to care. His willingness to care came with a cost. It cost him the price of an inn. It cost him his time. It cost him his comfort, he walked while the man rode his donkey.

Family Discussion Question: Do you find it difficult to pay the price to love? To give of your time, talent and treasure?