Monday, May 12, 2008

In God's Hands

God is a loving, kind and caring Father, who cares more about our character than our comfort. Over the last six months I've been challenged to stretch my faith and demonstrate where my trust lies. With the health condition of my mother, God has caused me to understand that I'm limited in how far I can go. I've had to walk away many, many times with no guarantees only with my faith and trust in God. God knows me because He created me, by nature I'm very independent and proud but God hates a proud spirit.

As a church family we've been praying and working for the past five years and now God has said 'Yes'. What a huge sense of responsibility, God has given us clearance to take-off. I often say that if you can do what you do without God its not God' will for you. I believe that there is a strong divine calling on our church corporately. He is going to use us in a way that has not yet fully been revealed. As we built the physical building we must build the spiritual building.

Life is a journey. Everyday has a new lesson attached to it. God has used life to teach me some of the toughest lesson but at the same time most profound lessons. The writer of Proverbs encourages us to "trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean no unto our own understanding..."

I am privilege to lead a awesome and great people. As I celebrated 25 years in ministry just hearing about life change makes it all worth it. To see our church step up and claim God's promises has been a great source of encouragement to me. The celebration was one for the records, the staff was outstanding. There was a level of excellent that weaves itself through everything that transpired. The preaching was powerful starting with Pastor Kelly R. Booker (New Union Baptist Church), then Pastor Ricky Patton (Holy United Baptist Church) and closing out was Pastor Jeffrey L. Mitchell (Tabitha Baptist Church).

Now its time to go back to work but I thank God for His unspeakeable gifts.


Unknown said...

God really is amazing.
The caption on this blog
is a beautiful visionary
that made me think about
Him. It has been sooo good
thus far. "THE BEST"
{God himself} is yet to
come!! jrae405

Unknown said...

God really is amazing.
The caption on this blog
is a beautiful visionary
that made me think about
Him. It has been sooo good
thus far. "THE BEST"
{God himself} is yet to
come!! jrae405