Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Birthday

One special beautiful roses among so many thorns. That's how I describe my sister Kristie Rae Gaddis. She grew up in a house full of boys and we didn't make it easy at all. If she wasn't having to take care of one of us, we were giving some unsuspected young man hell cause he wanted to date her. Kristie always had some poor soul wondering aimlessly behind her biding for her attention (Kiristie growing up put you in the mind of Thelma on "Good Times" she had the most beautiful eyes) so it was always someone around that we would have to run off after she got tired of him. That's when my older brother would alway come in handy.

Today is Kristie's birthday and this is her first birthday with Daddy in a very long time. You see daddy's birthday and my birthday is two days apart (August 8th and 10th). So each August we celebrated our birthdays together but today Kristi and daddy are celebrating together in heaven.

Happy Birthday Kristie

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