Monday, September 08, 2008

Headed to National Baptist Convention

After a very long but rewarding weekend, I'm headed to Cincinnati Ohio. I seen more airport this year than I would like to admit.

Yesterday , we begun a new sermon series called "The Heart of Worship!" As we continue to grow and mature as a congregation this is vital. Worship is uniquely tied to our understanding and relationship with God. We have recently committed as a worship team to shape and craft our into an experience. Jesus said that "they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." Our goal is that the people who gather at 23rd and Jordan will be impacted by experiencing God through worship.

Sunday's outline...

Awesome God

Psalm 139: 1-18

1. We ought to worship God because He is omniscient vs. 1-6

2. We ought to worship God because He is omnipresent vs. 7-12

3. We ought to worship God because He is omnipotence vs. 13-18

I just received some very exciting news: the framing for our new church should be finished this week. Our congregation has so much to be thankful for...the spiritual growth, the numerical growth and physical growth. I am filled with excitement for the future possibilities they sre unlimited in God through Jesus Christ.

Can't wait to see what God wil do next!


do-re-mi said...

Remain encouraged. God is performing a great work in and through you. I continue to keep you in my prayers daily. Finish strong.

do-re-mi said...

Be encouraged. God is performing a great work in and through you. I continue to pray daily that you finish strong.